19 Sept 2010


When the buses get choc-bloc and there is a bit of grief at the back. The anti deterent? Have the seats installed facing the back, not the front. Giving the people at the front a view of what is really going on and making them less paranoid.

18 Sept 2010

Grant Morrison-Individuality

Grant Morrison on Individuality-youtube.com
This scotsman is responsible for the book, The Invisibles. The talks are held at his book publisher's 'Disinfo Conference' in 2000. Grant talks about how individuality maybe a fraudulent way of being.
Terence Mckenna says something similar. He says that in archiac times man acted as one, more atuned or in sync with one another. Untill that is, at times of war, or hardship, or disaster. Man would then act for himself and those closest. This fractured the human being as an organic collective who had free will, but no agenda againts others. In the book, The Mutant Message, the aboriginals of Australia claim to be telepathic because they dont tell lies.

a certain order

Put the foot through the cloud
Dip toe out of dream
Raise a head into water
Into winds, send screams

Scrape around in a barrel
Dodging maggots, bad apples
Swim down and get higher
Use the bubbles when tired

Scratch a name scratch it quick
Use a memory stick
Find a clearing, brain jungle
Around empty mind, rumbles

A Song that lasts
As long as light casts
Paths through muddy waters
These moments distorted

The road signs of Wales

On the subject of road signs, Wales for example, the Welsh have a dying Celtic language that is hardly spoken. I agree that indigenous language should remain. However, consideration must be given to the government and the reason for over-egging the road sign situation, in placing Welsh language text next to English. First thoughts are to make travelling easier about Wales. But my instinct kicked in and thought, “the signs along the roads spoil the countryside that people hold close to their hearts", and came to the conclusion; is it to stamp the centralised government of England upon Wales? Is it used to give people a signal, ‘What a waste of money these signs cost for a language not many people speak’, and so place the magnifying glass over the relevance of indigenous languages of the U.K. The Scots language was brutally savaged in the schools of Scotland.  At the turn of the century Scottish pupils where punished for using their own language within the English run classrooms. Or, would this be to keep Wales (as a relevant UK sub-culture such as Cornwall and Breton), as a colonised and marginalised culture, and no threat to Londinium? The keeper of the Celtic language, Gaelic, in Ireland is in fact a Catholic Church, an imported religion from other shores.  

a bit on telly and images...

Firstly television, an organised arena that allows certain groups of people to decide what other groups of people are to view. TV is a place of mediation, set up for influencing us into a certain way of thinking by using every story telling technique in the book.  A place that projects stylised images that stay with us for life.

Taking in to consideration the signposts and advertisements that explode before us on the street.  Sometimes noisily, sometimes silently, scream into the world, bit upon bit of information (134 bit reality by Mihali Chicksentmihalyi’s book The Flow). Try walking down the street and imagine getting rid of it all. You would change the way we operate! We would probably feel bereaved, as though the death of a parent, or partner, who we had become fond of telling us what to do. (Marshall McLuhan: medium is the massage). We can only hold so much information within our consciousness at one time. Our brains have been psychologically studied and the number that came out was 134 bits of reality from the billions that are about us.

all over the shop...

In my lifetime I have noticed, from lessons of observing nature (human and animal), television, reading novels, studying graphic design, art, English literature, film, art, technology, DVD’s, video, youtube, music, theatre, what people have to say.

I have listened watched, thought about, proved wrong, proved right, proved wrong again, that the world we live in and the things that make it, are not all they seem. I am purposely going to keep my writing all over the place because that’s is where I’m at.  ADD, Attention Deficit Disorder is to be celebrated. I haven’t got ADD (I don’t think) but it’s the schools that put the subjects into categories, and the kids/adults into corridors. This is to make it harder for us to reconnect with the world of nature, of which we are.

It is the linear way of thinking and the Internet is an example of intertexuality, how everything is connected and has a relationship with its counterpart.