18 Sept 2010

a bit on telly and images...

Firstly television, an organised arena that allows certain groups of people to decide what other groups of people are to view. TV is a place of mediation, set up for influencing us into a certain way of thinking by using every story telling technique in the book.  A place that projects stylised images that stay with us for life.

Taking in to consideration the signposts and advertisements that explode before us on the street.  Sometimes noisily, sometimes silently, scream into the world, bit upon bit of information (134 bit reality by Mihali Chicksentmihalyi’s book The Flow). Try walking down the street and imagine getting rid of it all. You would change the way we operate! We would probably feel bereaved, as though the death of a parent, or partner, who we had become fond of telling us what to do. (Marshall McLuhan: medium is the massage). We can only hold so much information within our consciousness at one time. Our brains have been psychologically studied and the number that came out was 134 bits of reality from the billions that are about us.

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